On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 7:06 AM, Bryan _ <bpl...@outlook.com> wrote:
> All:
> Excuse the newbie question. but what is the meaning of the doppler reading in 
> the satellite view. Curious as to what it represents. What is considered a 
> good value when a satellite is being monitored. etc, I have seen values range 
> from -xxxx to +xxxx. there doesn't seem to be a correlation to doppler 
> readings and signal strength. I have seen both negative and positive numbers.

I believe it's the doppler shift of the frequency used to transmit the
GPS signal. Positive values, I think, represent when the satellite is
moving toward the receiver, while negative values means it's moving
away.  If I'm incorrect, I welcome any corrections. I'm unclear on the
units or scale of the reported number: I think it's kilohertz, but
confirmation by more knowledgeable people would be welcome.

Does anyone have any more details on the "Code" and "Clock Bias"
columns and what they represent? Similarly, what is the "Bias Rate"
(not seen with the Thunderbolt, but Lady Heather reports the bias rate
when using a Resolution T)?


Pete Stephenson
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