NMEA is just ASCII text.  You can read the output in terminal window.
Every second the GPS will send a set of "sentences".

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Dave Martindale
<dave.martind...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tomorrow evening, I'm going to a leap second barbecue.  The barbecue itself
> was the idea of a friend, but I'm bringing the equipment to show the leap
> second.
> My main setup is a Thunderbolt, Lady Heather running on a PC laptop, and a
> serial to USB converter.  It's all working sitting here on a desk this
> evening, so the only thing I can't test in advance is the leap second
> itself.  I haven't had the Thunderbolt running during a leap second before,
> but there is a YouTube video showing the June 2012 leap second as handled
> by a Thunderbolt and Lady Heather, so I'm assuming all will work as
> expected.
> Never one to trust a single piece of hardware completely, I want to bring a
> backup.  I have an old Garmin GPS-25 board mounted in a box with power
> supply and RS-232 level converters, so I want to bring it too. I have
> watched a leap second previously on the GPS-25, so I know it handles the
> event properly.  But the GPS-25 is NMEA output so it won't work with Lady
> Heather.  I need something else to display a digital clock that everyone
> can see, from a NMEA data stream.
> VisualGPS displays a bunch of interesting stuff, but not time.  U-center
> from u-blox displays UTC as both analog and digital clock, and the analog
> clock can be made as large as you have screen space for.  Does anyone know
> what it does with a leap second?
> Are there other programs I should look at?
> - Dave
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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