
> On Jul 2, 2015, at 12:19 AM, Mary Crowson <crowson....@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Hi. I'm pretty new to time nuts. I'm pretty much a novice, but a novice in 
> training. I subscribed to this group because I had reviewed pertinent 
> information that was being shared, and I appreciate the acceptance. I'm not 
> sure I can be of much immediate help to any others, but perhaps eventually. 
> Having said that, I come here, today, seeing some knowledge and advice. 

Welcome !!!

> I have a Lucent RFTGm-II-Rb/Lucent RFTGm-II-XO unit. I intend to convert the 
> 15MHz output to 10MHz for use as a GPSDO for an external standard for my test 
> equipment that I'm slowly acquiring and learning about, and learning about 
> and acquiring. I've seen the project where the 15 MHz was converted to 10 
> MHz. Helpful. I have some questions about this specific unit, or set. They 
> are combined on a common rack that is much larger than my test equipment, 
> when coupled. There are some distribution hubs that are located on top of 
> each, respectively. Combiner/splitter. One is the 15 pin D-sub connector 
> type. The other is BNC. Does anybody have access to the operating manuals for 
> these, as well as the software, if one wishes to marry it to a PC and another 
> program? 

The Lucent boxes mostly speak SCPI. It’s more for monitoring them than 
operating them. If you dig into the archives, there are a couple of programs 
are worth looking at as well as information on the (likely) command set / baud 
rates for use with a terminal program.

> The next question is also GPSDO related. I have four of the 469357A GPS 
> antennas that were utilized with this equipment. According to some sources, 
> they have a gain of 20 dB. According to other sources, they have a gain of 30 
> dB. According to some sources, the gain is somewhere in between. Does anybody 
> know for sure what the Nokia/Symmetricom ratings are, apart from their being 
> 5V? 

The antennas came from a half dozen sources. They have gains from about 22 db 
to 28 db depending on the source. Given that the tolerance on the gain
is often +/- 3db, there may not be a lot of difference between the antennas.

> Finally, for now, does anybody have any recommendations as to how I could, in 
> an affordable manner, without spending $350+ on a new GPS antenna combiner, 
> combine the signals for these four GPS antennas, to be utilized by the single 
> Lucent RFTGm-II-Rb/Lucent RFTGm-II-XO combined unit?

You very much do not want to do that. GPS is a one antenna sort of thing. It 
depends on all the signals arriving at a single point in space. With multiple
antennas, there would be no real way for the receiver to do it’s thing. You 
*can* run one antenna into multiple receivers. 

> As a measure to foil GOS spoofing, as well as giving a better chance of 
> locking into satellites quicker, as well as maintaining connection, with 
> multiple receivers located on each of four corners of a dwelling, since I 
> don't have the best unobstructed location for optimal satellite signal, due 
> to a canopy of trees, and other residential buildings with similar 
> landscaping? 

If you are in the US, what you want is the single location that gives you the 
best view due south. That’s the one most likely to give you a good population 
of sat’s in view.


> One more finally. This address says Mary. Long story. I'm Brian. I started 
> using this address long ago, and have remained in the habit of it. I've still 
> managed to remain in the habit of heterosexuality, despite. Just wanted to 
> let others know this is a guy and not some potentially unbelievably good 
> looking chick who is into ultimate geekery. 
> Any help would be appreciated. 
> Brian
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