
You will remember a few years ago I had problems with my DATUM 9390-52054 GPS Time Code and Frequency Standards. For those that were not involved at the time but might be curious about the history of my grief with these units, I have included one of my epistles for background purposes at the bottom of this newer epistle. That said...

About a week ago one of the two modified DATUM 9390-52054 (herin after known as "The Unit") lost lock and went about 23 Hz high. Checking, I discovered that the DAC went from its normal number of about 28000 to 65775, which is all the way to the stop. In addition, the EFC voltage went from its normal 2.08ish volts to 4.76 volts. My first test was to power cycle the unit and see what happened. What happened was that it was still a mess. I tried a reboot which brought it back to a good starting point and it looked like it was going to work fine. However, once it got down somewhere near 10E-12 it went bonkers and dove off the deep end as described above.

My next step was to take my trusty 5k POT (see below) and connect it into the circuit as described below. I was able to bring the EFC voltage to 2.08 volts and have the oscillator go to almost dead on 10 MHz. It sat there for a few hours with no problem. I tried tapping on things to see if I could make it act up. I was convinced that something had gone wrong with the McCoy VCXO, but in all aspects it behaved like it was supposed to. A replacement VCXO was a few days away so while I was waiting I continued to futz around with the unit. I even replaced the components associated with the flywheel, the 5100 Ohm series resistor and 47 ufd capacitor. By the way, in my epistle below I said it was a 4.7 ufd capacitor, my typo, it is indeed a 47 ufd electrolytic capacitor. The original capacitor checks fine in my Sencore LC-102, and the 5100 Ohm resistor also checked fine for value and noise under load.

So, what happened? It had been working fine for a little over two years since the units last surgery. That night as I laid in bed awake pondering this, I kept thinking that the symptoms were pretty much the same as before I put the flywheel in two years plus ago.

The next morning when I got up I modified the flywheel. Same circuitry, but instead of the EFC voltage feeding in the through the 5100 Ohm resistor towards the 47 ufd capacitor, which is hung across the EFC terminal to the ground terminal of the oscillator, I replaced the 5100 Ohm resistor with a 18k resistor - just to see what would happen. Since making that one change the unit works flawlessly and no matter what, I can't make it misbehave. I ran it through several days of power cycling, resetting and other graceful abuse and it always come back like it should. - Remember, I said this before!

Yesterday morning it was at 1E-12 so I powered him down, disconnected all my monitoring paraphernalia, put everything all back together and stuffed him back in the rack. Within 30 minutes he was at ~300E-12. I then did a master reset which reset everything, including the EFC to nominal center of about 2.48 volts. After about 18 hours he's sitting at 0E-12. The DAC is now sitting at 31794 and the EFC voltage ahead of the 18k resistor is at 2.41 volts. The EFC voltage at the EFC pin on the oscillator is at 2.03 volts. Any noise on the EFC line is below what my trusty TEK 453 can see with his gain cranked wide open.

Why do I all of a sudden need a bigger flywheel? Did the VCXO oscillator develop hiccups that I missed? Did the DATUM develop hiccups that I haven't seen? Who knows.

Below is the main gist of the issues from about two years ago.

Burt , K6OQK

Here's from a few years ago:

I've been following this thread with some interest. I have no idea what a LTE-Lite module is, but I believe the issues being discussed is essentially the same issue that I had a year or so ago when I had to make repairs to my two DATUM 9390-52054 GPS references. At that time I copied this list on the various steps from discovery of the power supply noise grief to further discovery of problems with the original factory supplied internal Vectron VCXO oscillator

After replacing the internal switching power supply with an outboard Cisco unit, I went on to look at what I felt was instability of the 10 MHz reference. According to the front panel display, the error would wander anywhere from 0E-12 to 50 or 100E-12. For my use, this wasn't a major problem, but one that bothered my instinctive curiosity and another step in my life in searching for a way to improve things.

The original oscillator module in the 9390 was a Vectron 716Y2690. This has a frequency trim adjustment on the side to bring the oscillator into tracking range for the DATUM 9390. In one of my two units the adjustment would jump, which I attributed to a defective trimming capacitor. My friend Stu, K6YAZ had previously given me two McCoy MC597X4 VCXO modules that do not have a frequency adjustment other than by way of the EFC control. Looking at the specs on these modules it looked like they might almost be electrically a drop in replacement for the original Vectron modules, although the McCoy's were about one-quarter the size. The McCoy's require 5 volts Vcc rather than 12 volts that the Vectron required. Not a problem. Testing confirmed that the EFC tuning voltage indeed went the same direction the McCoy requires.

Since I don't have the sophisticated equipment that many of you have to comparatively confirm stability, I decided to modify only one of my 9390's and compare the results to the other one. The two 9390's have separate antennas mounted about 3 feet apart and in a pretty clear view of the sky.

I stuffed the McCoy module in place of the Vectron but instead of connecting the EFC lead, I used a 1k pot with the top connected to 5 volts through a small resistor, the bottom to ground, and the arm to the EFC pin on the McCoy. Using the other 9390 for comparison, I was able to determine that in order to have the McCoy output 10 MHz, the EFC voltage wanted to be slightly under +4 volts, essentially the same as the original Vectron. Great, what could go wrong? I shut everything down and connected the EFC control voltage to the EFC terminal on the McCoy. As the McCoy came up to temperature I got a tracking light and the 10 MHz spigot came nicely onto 10 MHz, sat there and then wandered off frequency and after a while came back and overshot in the other direction. I figured this would be a process that would go on for a day or two and the "pendulum" would eventually settle in. After several days this did not happen and the 9390 gave me a tracking error. Apparently, the time constants in the loop and the sensitivity of the EFC control in the McCoy did not play well together. Pondering the situation I decided to slow down the EFC voltage change. I did this by putting a 4.7 uf capacitor across the EFC pin to the ground pin and fed the EFC voltage to the EFC pin through a 5100 Ohm resistor, essentially, in my opinion, hanging a flywheel across the EFC line to the McCoy.

Since with the smaller McCoy I had additional space within the 9390 I also made a sandwich type enclosure out of foam for the smaller McCoy to help isolate it from tempreture changes. I let the unit run for about 24 hours and noted that it had settled in nicely and sat, according to its display, at 0E-12 for well over the next 24 hours. Comparing this to my stock 9390, this appeared to be correct except for some small amount of wandering - the stock unit was showing variations of 1E-12 to about 10E-12, the amount of drift they had both always shown. I watched this for about two weeks and while the modified 9390 sat at 0E-12, the stock unit continued to show the same amount of drift it always had shown. I modified my second 9390 with the other McCoy VCXO and now the two units sit within 0 to 1E10-12, and comparing the two using both a 1:1 Lissajou and separately using one to trigger a scope that's monitoring the other, I believe things are much improved. In the year plus since I've modified these two units they've sat quite steady and have survived some deliberate power interruptions just to see what would happen. I have detailed pictures if anyone is interested. I don't know if the above offers any input of value, or even how scientific it is according to "deep" Time-Nuts standards, but it's what I did.

Burt, K6OQK

Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California U.S.A.
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