On 7/4/15 11:55 AM, Mike Magin wrote:
Somewhat new time-nut here (had one of the Samsung-branded Z3805s for a
few months as a house 10mhz ref, but it really got out of control when
I acquired a Wavecrest DTS, multiple frequency counters, an old Astron
1250a, a Lucent RFTG-u pair, etc.), thought I should finally de-lurk
since I can perhaps offer some useful opinion on this.  Comments inline.

On Sat, Jul 04, 2015 at 06:13:06AM -0700, Jim Lux wrote:
I've got a project I'm working on to make a sophisticated sundial
with moving mirrors.  I've got a batch of Arduinos that move the
mirrors to the appropriate places, given the current sun angle, etc.

I guess you are making a human-readable sundial,

Exactly... I've got an array of mirrors on az/el mounts (two servos stacked) and the reflection from the mirrors on the wall forms the display.

I was thinking recently
about building a computerized mean-solar-noon tracker, just to see what
sort of accuracy I can get.  Haven't decided between a cheap fisheye
camera behind a dark filter (welding lens?) versus a sort of slot-lens
(like a pinhole, but to tolerate the seasonal change in north-south
elevation) with a wide-range light sensor (CdS or a modern ambient light
sensor IC).

How accurate do you need to be..

two/four solar cells with a hole that projects an image of the sun on the cells, and compare the outputs (classic sun sensor for a satellite)

spinning mirror and fixed solar cell, timing of pulse tells you where the sun is

camera with a wide angle lens, and then do multi-pixel centroiding (0.1 pixel is easy)

camera sensor with a plate with tiny holes in it, with the spacing of the holes slightly different than the pixels, so the "sun spots" have slightly different coverages of each pixel.

I've got a beaglebone that runs some python code to calculate sun
angle based on time
Or are there libraries that make this more cookbook? (the little
"getting started with beaglebone" book talks about flask)

In a previous contract job, I did some work with Flask, it's pretty
nice, especially for the basic case of "make this subset of the URL
space be handled by this function".

I haven't set it up from scratch, but the Flask documentation seems pretty
good, and if you're already familiar with Python, I'd highly recommend it.

Well, I got it to do the beginner "click here and turn on/off the LED" thing..

What I'd like, though, is to separate the "web serving" thread and the "doing stuff thread". I suppose I can fire off a thread from the webserver python.

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