Recently I've been on the hunt for test gear so facilitate moving up into
the microwave bands (ham radio), accurate timing being one of the basics to
be sorted.   As part of this I've recently acquired a HP 5335A with OCXO
and HP5350B microwave frequency counter, both picked up today.

I've setup a test stack using a stanford research function generator and my
existing HP 5384A counter to compare all the kit, it was nice to see
everything lock in within +5Hz @ 10MHz using only the internal reference.
I'll have a GPSDO running in a couple of days to provide an external
reference as well.

Unfortunately after running for 15 minutes the HP 5335A literally went
'clunk' and now has no display which is disappointing as I wanted some of
the measurement functions this unit provides.   There's no odd small (for
an old system) so I'm hoping its a reasonably simple problem, I'll open the
case tonight.

Does anybody have any experience with issues on the HP 5335A's ?


Teach your kids Science, or somebody else will :/ <>
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