On 8/12/2015 8:29 PM, Hal Murray wrote:

How long did you wait after turning it on?
How good is your antenna position?
Did you tell it to remember the location after a survey finished?

If it's been off for a few weeks, it doesn't know where the satellites are.
To get started, it has to find one by a brute force search.  With a good
antenna, that doesn't take very long.  Then it takes 15 minutes to collect
the satellite info.  With a poor antenna location, it takes longer, maybe a
lot longer.

Thanks Hal for your answer.

   My TB now is switched on since yesterday, but no satellites are acquired...
Last time I switched it on, it worked, and, even after a long off period, it 
did take not more than
a few minutes to acquire the first satellite.

Yesterday, after I saw that no satellites did show up in LH, I issued the ! 
command to do a cold reset,
just to see if it could be of help.

My antenna is a timing antenna, on the chimney of my house, completely free 
from obstacles.
There is the possibilities that a thunderstorm has broken its small mast, 
tomorrow I will check.
This seems to be the only reasonable cause of the malfunction... the TB accepts 
and sends back status info. Unless its GPS receiver has developed a fault...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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