Luciano wrote:

As for the amplifier the big job was finding the balance between the
polarization parameters, harmonic distortion and output power.
Many distribution amplifiers on the market have a Po max of + 13dBm
and this limit does not seem appropriate for this century.

I'm not aware of any instrument that needs a reference signal of more than +13dBm (= 1Vrms), and most will happily accept much less than that with no reduction in performance -- so I see no reason why a DA with a maximum undistorted Po of +13dBm should be considered inadequate.

What does seem inadequate for this century is the distortion specification of your amplifier. -45dBc is pretty poor by today's standards, and such high distortion generates additional phase noise when the signal is AC-coupled and/or DC-restored, and when the client instrument uses a zero-cross detector or other circuit that is sensitive to the symmetry of the waveform. These days, it is not difficult to build a 1-10MHz DA with distortion products more than 65dB below a +13dBm output signal, either discrete or integrated.

Best regards,


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