
On 08/31/2015 12:37 AM, John Miles wrote:
The is a publication by the NPL that talks about a similar technique, but
comes to a somewhat different conclusion.

Bottom line: it holds that the phase noise of all three sources can be
determined if they are taken two at a time; one as ref and the other as
the DUT.

Yes, that's the three-cornered hat technique.  The document is a bit dated in 
that respect -- it was published in 2004, just as Timing Solutions was starting 
to work on cross-correlated direct digital measurements.

The dual-reference method always converges on the DUT noise if set up properly, 
but it doesn't give you any insight into the two independent sources being used 
as references.  You have to swap the DUT with each of the references and repeat 
the measurement if you want to characterize all three sources, while the 
N-cornered hat returns separated variances for all sources at once (at least 


On that note, did you look more closely on the NIST analysis of cross-correlation and a possible cancellation and thus overly optimistic results? Did it have any consequence on your code? What did you take away from it?

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