Hi Bob,

I haven't seen anyone bashing the designer, or the design of the 5065.
What I have seen a couple of enthusiasts that love the unit enough that
they are willing to spend countless hours bringing a couple of parts of
the design up to a more recent state of the art.  Corby's modifications
to the optics added stability that no one anywhere has achieved in a Rb
standard.  PHK's changes to the oven may achieve a similar improvement.

Between the two of them, the 5065 is looking pretty nice!

In my experience, there are quite a few pieces of equipment where people
are willing to take the relatively minor effort to repair them to match
their original specifications, but very few where people are impressed
enough with the foundation parts that they are willing to spend the
great amounts of time it takes to fully understand and modernize the

I think that speaks well for the designers of the 5065.

-Chuck Harris

Bob Camp wrote:

As we go joyously bashing the poor guys that designed this beast, it’s worth 
just how old the design is. 741 op amps were indeed “modern” when they did much
of this and quite possibly to modern to be trusted. Most of the design would 
have been
right at home in the late 1960’s at a conservative design house. As time has 
shown, in
a lot of cases that mistrust of the early linear stuff was well founded ….The 
741 only
was designed in 1968….The 5065 design dates to roughly that time.

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