Would this sunspot activity have anything to do with it?



On 30/09/2015 18:18, Tim Shoppa wrote:
I went ahead and did the math based on some of your numbers. I was a little
unclear on which numbers to use.

-2E-10 in frequency over 5 minutes, is -60ns. 60ns is not completely
unreasonable for an ionospheric delay variation over hours, but I think it
would be unusual for there to be so much tumult in just 5 minutes though.
(Especially when geophysical K index has been particularly calm lately.)

On the other hand, -2E-10 over 3 hours, is -2 microseconds which is just

Do you have anything like a graph of phase difference or EFC over those 3

Tim N3QE

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 1:54 AM, James Flynn <james.fl...@csun.edu> wrote:

I recorded apparent anomalous activity on the GPS signal received near Los
Angeles from about 0200Z to 0500Z 30 Sept. The 1PPS received signal
shifted by -2E-10 in frequency (5 minute averages).

There is a notice on the GPS website about possible interference today (29
Sept) through 30 Sept in the area of 253 nm around China Lake, CA. (which
includes Los Angeles)

Anyone else near LA notice anything?

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