
…. also….

If it is a rollover bug, does it come back when the unit is power cycled or is 
there some magic in a
eprom that locks it to the correct era? (all of mine seem to be past  FW 3.00)


> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:57 AM, Nigel Vander Houwen 
> <timenuts-nige...@nigelvh.com> wrote:
> Luc,
> Do you have a reference for this?
> Nigel
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 01:22, Luc Gaudin <lgau...@naelcom.com> wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> The issue was known on the Thunderbold for the older firmware version up to 
>> firmware v3.00.
>> The product will not report the correct extended GPS week number after the 
>> Feb,13th 2016.
>> After the rollover to week #860, the thunderbolt will not make position for 
>> 2 hours, because the Ephemeris data on the GPS receiver being consider 
>> incorrect.
>> The module will work fine after this 2 hours.
>> Regards,
>> Luc
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