After lots of data collection, historical weather checking, and polling, Saturday, APRIL 9th is the date for the next Sphere Stuff Day and Okanagan Valley-wide Radio Amateur swap meet. This gives those in Washington & Oregon time to recover from Puyallup, and should be good weather for both travel and display for everybody. This will be at Sphere Research, in West Kelowna, BC, about 4 hours from Vancouver. See our website for all the contact details and exact address. Starts 9am, but set up for those to display starts at 7am, and we can accommodate 2 Rvs and some limited overnight guests.

We will have tons of test equipment, (Tek, HP, Boonton, Fluke, Trak, PMI/Wavetek and much more) spare parts, plug-in modules, manuals and salvage units. Also tons of free electronic goodies of all kinds, as well as dirt cheap items, PLUS a wide range of ham gear and related items from ICOM to Collins for selling, swapping and testing. There is a lot of very cool stuff we are clearing out to make space, so whether you want RF parts, transmitting tubes, test gear, CRTs, nicads, scopes, meters, parts or what-have-you, you WILL find it here. There will also be solar panels, tons of high quality panel meters, Tek 11K items, lots of time code systems and displays (for that home launch pad you've been working on), and a huge assortment of crystals, mechanical filters, microwave filters and precision oscillator modules. Susan will also provide Visa/MC and Paypal services for payments if needed.

Want space to show and sell your gear, just CONTACT WALTER to reserve a spot, strictly first come, first served. Trunk/truck sales are fine, or you can set up a table, as you wish. We can provide power for some locations, and we will have some interesting test gear to allow you to demo and verify your stuff. YES, we take requests for specific items you may be interested in, and YES we will post a list in advance of some key items and prices for those that just can't get up here, but shipping costs can be annoying for big items, which is exactly why we suggest showing up in person. Those that have been here in the past have had a great time, so we invite you to drop by and snorkel through the goodies to your heart's content. Plus, who knows what fabulous treasures others will bring to trade?

We may also be able to set up a BBQ spot for snacks, and we will have off-air frequency checks, RF power testing, and a master frequency reference to let you check your counters and other gear. Plus, lots of help and advice from a great cross-section of people you don't get to see so often.

All in all, it should be a great time. RSVP if you need exhibit space, or just to say hi, and remember that we do take requests to set out just the items you need (we have 4 storage buildings, we can't set it ALL out). If you have been missing a good surplus store experience for a while, come by and get that taken care of here!

Remember, Saturday, April 9th. I will post again as we get closer to remind you of the date.

all the best,

walter & susan
sphere research corp.

Walter Shawlee 2, President
Sphere Research Corporation
3394 Sunnyside Rd.,  West Kelowna,  BC
V1Z 2V4  CANADA  Phone: (250) 769-1834
WS2: We're all in one boat, no matter how it looks to you.
Love is all you need. (John Lennon)
But, that doesn't mean other things don't come in handy. (WS2)

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