Am 25.02.2016 um 22:23 schrieb Magnus Danielson:
Interesting. I would consider the PICDIV such as that of TADD-2, which has the benefit of producing a range of frequencies, so that a suitable can be selected as matching the needs. I've found it very useful property of the TADD-2, where I have my TADD-2s wired up to output one of each. I also wired them to output the buffered variant of the clock, which gives better measures compared to running the sine straight into the counters.

I have never used PICs and given their life cycle it's a bad time to jump on the train. Not now when I'm just converting everything to ARM. OTOH I have used Xilinx since they exist
and this board is more or less a cleanup of things that are already there.

This here is all it takes for 10 and 100 MHz oscillators:

-- Company:         Hoffmann RF & DSP
-- Create Date:    09:09:37 08/08/2012
-- Module Name:    pps1_generator - Behavioral
-- Target Devices:   X2c64A-5VQ44
-- Additional Comments:   Free firmware under BSD license
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity pps1_generator is
        clk         : in  STD_LOGIC;
        RunAt100MHz : in  STD_LOGIC;
        pps1_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
end pps1_generator;

architecture Behavioral of pps1_generator is
    signal tctr       : integer range 0 to 99999999;
    signal pw_ctr     : integer range 0 to 199999;
    signal cycle_done : boolean;
    signal pw_done    : boolean;

    function bool2sl(b : boolean) return std_logic is
        if b then return '1'; else return '0'; end if;
    end function bool2sl;


    u_div : process(clk) is
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            cycle_done <= (tctr = 0); -- pipeline the comparator

            if cycle_done
                if RunAt100MHz = '1' then
                    tctr <= 100000000 - 2; -- divide by 100 Meg
                    tctr <= 10000000 - 2; -- divide by 10 Meg
                end if;

                tctr <= tctr - 1;
            end if;

        end if;                         -- rising_edge()
    end process u_div;

-- produce the standard 20 usec pulsewidth
    u_pulsewidth : process(clk) is
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if cycle_done then
                if RunAt100MHz = '1' then
                    pw_ctr <= 19999;
                    pw_ctr <= 1999;
                end if;

            elsif pw_ctr /= 0 then
                pw_ctr <= pw_ctr - 1;
            end if;

            pps1_out <= bool2sl(pw_ctr /= 0);

        end if;                         -- rising_edge()
    end process u_pulsewidth;

end Behavioral;

I have also a version that fits into 2 chips, runs at Osc = 200 MHz and
produces a fixed 1/10/100/1000pps and another pps that can be shifted
against the first one in 5nsec steps over > 1 second.
It also provides control for a Micrel ECL chip that does the ps interpolation
between the 5 ns steps.

It has a shift register interface that is controlled by a Beagle Bone Black
under Debian Linux, so network access is free.

Ideal for testing ranging systems and TICs / TDCs, but it still needs
some software.

The power-supply input didn't look all that clear. It would be handy if a single input could be used.

It can run on -5...-8V (for the opamps) and +12V for Morion and MTI; the HP10811 needs 20V or so for its heater. In this case the 12V is made from the 20V. I do not want a switcher there.

I could probably have use for several of these boards.

Me too. I have recently decremented the number of available Lucent REF 0 plug-ins quite substantially.

(BTW: The Lucent REF 1 units with GPS are completely sold out for good, I have asked.)

The idea is to lock 8 or 16 5 MHz MTI-260s to something long-time stable and see
how far I get wrt phase noise when I combine the outputs.

Seems to be more promising than that promiscuous coupled resonator stuff
that was promoted recently. It is even somewhat tunable.

I like throwing repetitive hardware at problems when I get sth. in return.
Like my 220pv/sqrtHz preamp with 20 low noise opamps averaged.

regards, Gerhard, DK4XP

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