Fellow Timenuts,

May I suggest the use of a software defined receiver (SDR) used with suitable attenuators on its antenna input. I use a device called SDRPlay that is low cost, covers 100kHz to 2000MHz, and has a more sensitivity than most low cost Spectrum analysers. Used with care the qualitative display is quite reasonable and compares well with my main analyser the only drawback being the limited display width of 8MHz. It would then leave more resources to purchase the important equipment.


Peter Torry

On 23/03/2016 14:04, jimlux wrote:
On 3/23/16 4:11 AM, Bob Camp wrote:

If you can see harmonics down to -60 dbc, that is about the most a normal spectrum analyzer will do for you on a frequency standard. This *assumes* the part has a sine wave output. Most standards are in the 10 MHz range, so an analyzer that will work to
= 40 MHz is probably a good idea.

Can you do this with a USB gizmo? Sure you can. Can you trust the results? That will depend on the exact unit you get and your ability to calibrate it. Might it “only” be useful to -50 dbc? Might it work to -100 dbc? That is part of the “did you pay $X or 10 times
that much question.

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