There's a CDROM available from that contains a manual for the 2010B, as well as several other Austron models. Don't know if it's just a user guide or a full Op/Svc manual. Email the seller (Brooke Clark) for details.

Dave M

paul swed wrote:
Funny I thought that manual would be around also and its not.
So it is a disciplined oscillator and thats nice. The question is
what does it want to control it.
It may be quite a useful unit if as an example it took a 1pps in. But
will speculate it wanted something from the loran c timing receivers.

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 12:49 PM, James Fournier <>

Hello All,

I just picked one of these up at a local ham fest. I'm not sure
exactly what it was used for. I bought it mainly for the ovenized
quartz inside of it. Before I part it out I was hoping to find a
copy of the manual so I could determine if it is worth keeping
intact. Usually they aren't that hard to find via google but I have
had no luck so far. Does anyone have a pdf copy they would be
willing to send me? Many thanks! - James

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