I just ran across an unused FTS1050A at work, and before spending any significant time seeing if it still works (like finding a power source.. there's no AC inlet, so I think it runs off DC), I decided to look up the data sheet performance. Interestingly, it seems it's not that wonderful, compared to a $200 Wenzel streamline, except for "real close in"

        FTS1050 Wenzel
1       -116    -105? (est from 1/f^3 and 10 Hz offset)
10      -140    -135
100     -150    -155
1k      -157    -165
10k     -160    -165

I note that John Ackerman reports on
 a similar observation

I suppose that you use these things for "close in" and ADEV performance, not for phase noise at 10 kHz out.

Some of these units were modified at the lab to replace the original oscillator with a better one (a BVA, it's rumored). And who knows what else was done..
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