Is anyone else seeing anthing unusual with the MSF 60KHz signal from  
For the past 24 hours or so, at least, all I've been monitoring here,  
approx 100 miles from Anthorn, is what seems to be a much weaker than usual  
carrier that's pulsing at significantly faster than once per second. It's  weak 
enough that I wondered at first if it  possibly wasn't even MSF but 
something else on the same  frequency.
There's no scheduled maintenance in my diary and I haven't been able to  
find reference online to any problems, my first concern was that it  might be 
an antenna problem but the Anthorn eLoran signals on 100KHz seem to  be 
coming in fine on the same antenna.
What's really odd though is that several minutes ago I powered up  an EES 
MSF clock from that same antenna feed and this has now  synchronised and is 
displaying the correct time.
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