The HP 5065A has a fairly open path from atmosphere to the cells as far a
barometric pressure is concerned.
Response is rapid to a change.
The mechanism is "oil-canning" of the windows on the ends of the cell.
Depends on diameter of the cell, thickness of the windows, and stiffness
of the particular glass used. (for a particular gas mix of course)
It is VERY repeatable, and VERY linear.
I have heard that one European observatory routinely tracks the
barometric pressure by watching their 5065A shift.
After seeing Wulf's data I can believe it!
My circuit is eliminating that variable quite nicely. As others have
said, temperature will be a different matter.
I'm currently doing temperature tests and plan to eliminate the major
causes rather than compensate.
Early measurements show as-built to be better than the spec of
1.6X10-12/degree C.

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