Thanks all for your advice, hints, tips and links. Lots to read , do and some 
hardware to check.  I don’t have a frequency generator so I’ll have to go 
another route. 

Oh. One last Q. Has anyone tried repairing the « spring » wire electric 
connections on large quartz plates. In one large unit I have they had corroded 
and dropped the plate, luckily no damage.  I have done one, but I have no Idea 
what the original wire composition was so have certainly induced some stray 
capacitance/resistance. It is possible that it was a filter rather than a 
frequency source as it was not in a vacuum. 

Have a good one.

> Le 4 juin 2016 à 18:49, Bernd Neubig <> a écrit :
> Tim Shoppa wrote:
>> The Pierce logic-gate-biased-active oscillator is pretty reliable to start 
>> and will oscillate somewhere with most crystals from kHz to MHz.
>> As you found out, it will often come up on one of many overtones.
>> To reduce chance of coming at an overtone, a series resistor from logic gate 
>> output to the crystal is often enough. If not, a RC low-pass will cut down 
>> even further (although of course adding phase shift.)
> This is certainly the easiest and fastest way for a go/no-go test and to find 
> the approximate resonance frequency. 
> In the attached circuit diagram make CX1 and CX2 about 10 pF and RGK several 
> MegOhms.
> The inverter gate should be preferably an unbuffered HCMOS or other fast 
> inverter.
> For crystals in the MHz range you can replace RV by a short, for kHz crystals 
> make it a few kOhms. If testing small watch crystals @ 32768 kHz or around, 
> RV should be 100 kOhm at least. RV reduces the crystal drive level (RF 
> current) to an acceptable level to avoid overloading or even damaging of the 
> crystal. For low frequency crystals the RV-CX2 lowpass also avoids start-up 
> at the overtone.
> It is recommended to add a second inverter gate at the output to isolate your 
> oscilloscope or counter input from the oscillator stage. Add some >330 ohm in 
> series to the output of the 2nd inverter, if you connect a coaxial cable. 
> Then terminate the coax at the oscilloscope or frequency counter end with 50 
> Ohms, so the square wave form will be roughly maintained.
> In this circuit the crystal will not operate at its series resonance, but at 
> a load resonance with load capacitance of something between 8 pF and 10 pF 
> (depending on the inverter input and output capacitance plus the stray 
> capacitances of your test fixture).
> If you want to operate the oscillator at a (low) overtone, such as 3rd (or 
> maybe 5th), you must add a series combination of 10 nF plus an inductor in 
> parallel to CX2. The 10 nF is to avoid DC short-circuiting of the output. The 
> inductor together with CX2 must have a resonance frequency mid between 
> fundamental mode and 3rd overtone (not at one of them). So the tuned circuit 
> acts like a capacitor at the 3rd OT and is inductive at fundamental mode 
> (thus the phase condition for oscillation is not fulfilled at the fundamental 
> mode)
> Have fun
> Bernd
> DK1AG 
> <Pierce_Logic_Gate.gif>_______________________________________________
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