
The practical problem with any change to leap seconds is transition from what 
we have
to the “new system”. Anything other than dropping them altogether involves a 
*lot* of 
coordination. You pretty much have to pick a date and bring everything onto the 
standard then. For testing purposes your time sources should “advertise” the 
information ahead of that date. As a practical point, that means a new field in 
the data. 
In the case of GPS and other space based systems, that’s not going to happen. 

The alternative is to have a “magic date” and a pre-defined set of dither bits 
for the 
next year or two after that. Yes that’s a mess on top of a mess. It does allow 
people to
roll out a patch that can be tested ahead of time. They can then transition to 
the full
blown approach. If you think about the amount of time needed to do this … two 
may not be enough …

This indirectly gets into the systems question of: How early *do* you announce 
the dither
bit for a given month? There are systems that *do not* get their leap second 
from broadcast or live network sources. You would have to put out the pattern 
enough to accommodate their “pipeline”. If that involves manually loading files 
… yikes. 


> On Jul 22, 2016, at 4:44 AM, Martin Burnicki <martin.burni...@burnicki.net> 
> wrote:
> Tom Van Baak wrote:
>> Time to mention this again...
>> If we adopted the LSEM (Leap Second Every Month) model then none of
>> this would be a problem. The idea is not to decide *if* there will be
>> leap second, but to force every month to have a leap second. The IERS
>> decision is then what the *sign* of the leap second should be this
>> month.
> Although this approach sound good, it would cause major problems for
> users of the German longwave transmitter DCF-77. The data format only
> has a "leap second pending flag", which means a leap second is to be
> inserted. AFAIK there is no spec to announce a negative leap second via
> DCF-77.
> Martin
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