In designing boards with the Venus838LPx-T module, I must supply external 
antenna power myself. This is in contrast to the PA6H I’ve been using which 
internally supplies 3.3v active antenna power (and measures it for loading to 
switch between the internal and external antenna. The Venue module does not 
have an internal antenna).

I therefore have the opportunity to select between 3.3v and 5v power to feed 
the external antenna. I could in principle do something more exotic, but I 
can’t imagine another option that would be better.

So far, 3.3v has worked with all of the antennae I’ve used, but the sample size 
is two (four if you count active GPS splitters in the mix).

In perusing the list, it sounds to me like modern antennae expect 3.3v, but I 
thought I’d explicitly ask rather than assume.
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