
I agree.

There is however a subtle detail, how they leak out over time.

At one time we had to lock an 155,52 MHz oscillator up to 8 kHz, this for a 2,48832 Gb/s link, which needs to pass the SDH STM-16 jitter and wander specifications. The first attempt at that PLL was using a 4046, and the charge-pump was being used. The charge-pump has dead-time, and well, they thought it was good to only push the EFC here and there. What this meant was that they created a triangle-waved frequency modulation of low rate, which then created phase modulations as it went through the integration of the oscillator. The scale-up factor made this quite noticeable at the actual bit-rate. It made the point that you need to update often to keep deviations limited, and when doing it at a higher frequency, they are easier to filter out.

In essence, you need to think what each comparison or update creates as a step response and how it is averaged out over time.

In this regard a PWM is a really bad signal, as it can push the strongest amplitude at the lowest frequency, which becomes hardest to filter. For one design I needed to increase the resolution, so I made an interpolation but with inversed spectral density to that of PWM, to push the highest amplitude to the highest frequency so that filtering becomes easier. Turned out to be quite easy and work well.

High update rates can be very useful even if the bandwidth of the loop is low. The bandwidth only limits how low the updaterate can be, but the phase-noise purity makes update rates and smoothing mechanisms interesting.


On 08/17/2016 11:53 PM, Bob kb8tq wrote:

You can update the EFC a billion times a second.  Update rate and bandwidth are 
not the same thing. If you want good ADEV, the loop better not have a bandwidth 
greater than 0.01 Hz. GPS ADEV is pretty awful at 1 and 10 seconds. It is 
starts to be good past a few thousand seconds. Yes, older modules are a bit 
worse than newer ones. Also sawtooth correction can make things a bit better.


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 17, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Nick Sayer via time-nuts <time-nuts@febo.com> 

Updating the EFC more quickly reduces the ADEV, though. I find that the fiddly 
part of tuning a GPSDO design is balancing the ADEV against phase control. If 
you want keep an iron fist on the phase, you can only do so by constantly 
swatting around the frequency.

I won't say that getting more frequent phase feedback is a bad thing, but if 
you're trying to get the PLL time constant to be longer rather than shorter 
that it won't help a lot.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 17, 2016, at 9:57 AM, Peter Reilley <preilley_...@comcast.net> wrote:

You can get crystal oscillators that have a frequency control signal and are 
stable than the run of the mill oscillators.   Changing the GPS oscillator would
require modifying a very tightly populated circuit board.   Perhaps not 

What about some of the SDR (software defined radio) projects that aim to
implement GPS functionality?   If you used the GPS chipping rate (1.023 MHz)
to dicipline the 10 MHz oscillator then you are less sensitive to crystal 
You are updating the crystal one million times a second rather than once per 
This is assuming that the chipping rate of the transmitter is just as good as 
1 PPS signal.   This info from here;
and here;

Even using the 50 bits/sec data rate of the GPS signal would allow updating the
GPSDO faster than the 1 PPS signal.

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