The joys of a small display, why couldn't I see that. Many thanks Mark &

Soon to be the emac's of gpsdo's (in the good, can do anything sense) well

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:27 AM, Mark Sims <> wrote:

> You can set the view interval to any value with the "V" keyboard command
> (default is one second per pixel, 1 minute per horizontal division).
> Above the plot area is a section that give the view interval in total time
> (60 minutes in those plots) and time per division (5 minutes per
> division).   Lady Heather logs all the data in a circular buffer and when
> it fills, the oldest data is replaced by newer data).    The default plot
> queue size is 3 days... the /q command line option for can change that
> (n.b.  and error in the help screen says the default is 30 days).
> Lady Heather decimates the queue data to fit the plot interval by skipping
> values.  The F D keyboard sequence lets you apply an averaging filter to
> the displayed plot data.  The value is the number of queue values to
> average.
> You can scroll around the plot queue data from the keyboard (arrow keys,
> page up/down, home, end, etc) or with the mouse (left button hold at the
> center of the plot area, move the mouse to the left or right of center to
> scroll left or right,  the farther the mouse is from the center of the
> plot, the faster it scrolls).
> Normally Lady Heather scrolls the plot to the left automatically, but if
> you are reviewing plot data, the scrolling is suspended (press DEL to
> resume normal scrolling plot displays).
> You can set/remove up to 10 markers with the = and - keys.  To go to a
> marker, press it's number.  You can jump to the next anomaly (like time
> stamp skips - show with a red tick at the top of the plot) with the % key.
> Normally Lady Heather auto-scales and centers the plots (indicated by a
> '~' in the REF (center line value) and scale (units/div) values above the
> plots.  You can set fixed reference and/or scale factors (indicated by an
> '=' in the REF and scale factor values via the G keyboard menus.  There are
> also options for changing things like what statistics
> (AVG/RMS/MAX/MIN/SPAN, etc) to show, plot colors, etc)  These can be
> changed globally for all plots or individually for each plot.
> You can also have Lady Heather do an FFT of a given plot.
> You can do a screen dump of just the plot area (W G command) or write an
> ascii log file of the shown plot area values (W P).  The next version of
> Lady Heather also supports writing logs in XML, KML, or GPG file formats.
> You can also do automatic screen or log dumps on a periodic basis from the
> T keyboard menu or the command line.
> ------------------
> >  Pardon my lack of knowledge regarding Lady Heather, what is the x-axis
> scale?
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