On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:41 PM, Larry Hower <ho...@hower.net> wrote:

> 1. We are using desktops and laptops in separate locations running XP or
> Win 10.

Assuming you have decent GPS receivers with an un-obstructed view of the
sky with 1 pulse per second output and you have let the GPS run long enough
to track enough satellites  then...  The pulse typically has a standard
deviation on the order of some tens of nanoseconds.   So that is not your
problem.  It is software., well mostly.  Also computers that manage power
like notebooks are not going to give good timing performance no matter what
you try.

MS Windows is not the best choice for running NTP.   You can do it.  and
many people have gotten results better then 1 millisecond.  But
If you are willing to give up the use of MS Windows.  Then tens of
microseconds is not hard.

Little $35 credit card sized computers (Raspberry Pi) running Linux and NTP
with a GPS input are easy to get an order of magnitude better than your

So are you stuck with windows.  f so it can work with some rather complex
setup.   If you can select another OS then you get out of the box
sub-millisecond performance with little effort


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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