"Danger Wil Robinson...."
There you go good old time nuttery. Pete its bad to start to compare
things. Because then you have questions. That leads to the need for a
better reference.
Around and around it goes.
TCXO's for my 2 cents really tend to introduce variables. Yes better then a
free standing crystal in general. Some of the HPs actually used a true free
standing crystal. 5335 and 5328 as I recall.
By locking all of the counters together you at least limitthat variable to
the source.
Given the cost of GPSDOs that would give you a pretty good arrangement then.
Have fun

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 8:20 AM, Peter Reilley <preilley_...@comcast.net>

> I am the proverbial man with too many clocks and I don't know what time it
> is.
> To correct this situation I have decided to calibrate everything.
> I have a HP 5370B, a HP 6370A, and a HP 5328A all with the TCXO option.
>  I also
> have some TCXO modules.   I figured that I would calibrate them against my
> Trimble
> Resolution T GPS receiver.
> I put the 1 PPS signal in one channel of my scope and one of the 10 MHz
> signals in the other channel and look at the phase relationship. The
> TCXO's are
> already close enough that I should not be out by more than a fraction of a
> waveform.
> I understand that I have to deal with the 1 PPS without sawtooth
> correction.
> I expected to see the 10 MHz signal bounce around but not move more than
> 1/2
> of a wave length.   Instead I see the 10 MHz waveform appear steady for a
> few seconds
> then jump a significant portion of the wave.   The jump is too much to be
> confident
> that I have not slipped one cycle.
> Can I do what I am trying to do or am I missing something?
> Pete.
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