Eric, and time nuts -- A very nice set of questions and an interesting 
application. In fact it's so time nutty that I'll send it over to the LEAPSECS 
mailing list, which is the niche of time-nuts where we deal with issues of UTC, 
TAI, and leap seconds. You can pick up your replies there.

LEAPSECS -- please help Eric out. I know there are answers from bloated 
universal date/time packages to one page of elegant code. 


LEAPSECS mailing list

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Scace" <>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Time math libraries

   I should clarify my intended application for “time math”.

   My company is deep in development of a system that, in part, records events 
on a blockchain. For various reasons a precise and accurate representation of 
time of the event can be important. How precise and accurate depends on the 
application. The first applications need millisecond precision and tens of 
millisecond accuracy — not a huge demand by TimeNut standards, but not to be 
neglected. Leap seconds (and the differing contortions being used by various 
organizations to evade implementation of leap seconds) should not be ignored.

   The blockchain runs as a generic event-recording ledger utility supporting 
many applications. Over time, we will need to get more precise and accurate on 

   To be general, we take the following approach:
Timestamp (and, often, geolocation) are acquired at the point of measurement 
for the data set. This is treated as the opinion of the collecting device. We 
record meta-data about the collecting device. For some applications the 
meta-data includes information as to how the device formed its opinion of time.
The application submits the event to the ledger service’s API for recording.
The API server(s) timestamp the client’s request to record to the ledger. This 
timestamp is relatively important because it is the declaration of the ledger, 
an immutable reference of the sequence of events, upon which other systems will 
rely in future.

   The present scheme is to use TAI as the timescale for all events recorded to 
the ledger. Some of the implications:
Collecting device timestamps may need to be convertible to TAI.
This task can be a mess, because the sources of time opinions may be vast; 
e.g., cell phones, AWS, Google, MS Azure, etc. We work around this by capturing 
meta-data about the device’s timescale and source. This allows retrospective 
consideration of the devices’ time opinion relative to TAI when it is important 
for the downstream data consumer.
Independent systems participating in the blockchain (e.g., as API server, or as 
consensus-forming systems) should have consistent opinions of TAI.
Ledger timestamps (in TAI) need to be converted to the data consumer’s desired 
time scale.
Here’s another instance of the need for a set of time math utilities.

   I realize this description also opens a Pandora’s box that involves 
distribution of time issues. But, for the purposes of this thread, I wanted to 
focus on the TAI-to-other-timescales conversion utility question.

   If good timescale conversion utilities exist, we would use them.

   If good timescale conversion utilities do not exist, then maybe we’ll 
contribute one to the open software space.

— Eric

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