
I have been looking into noise and noise processes in the last couple
of months. Unfortunately, my seemingly simple question how to simulate
power law noise (1/f^a noise) properly led me to a wild goose chase
deep into the mathematical lala-land[1].  

In order to verify that I haven't gone completely off the track,
I would like to check some of the assumptions made with real data.
Hence I would like to ask, whether people here have continuous
phase/frequency data of real atomic clocks, and if I could get
a copy of those, together with a description how it was measured.

I am looking for any kind of atomic clock and any kind of measurement.
The higher the sample rate and the longer the measurement the better,
but I will not be picky. 

If you know someone who has collected such data, any contact
information would also be helpful.

Computer generated data does not work in this case, as I want to
verify that the assumptions made in the mathematical models
have a foundation in the real physical implementations.

Thanks in advance

                        Attila Kinali

[1] For those interested: If you think that calculus or stochastic
was difficult, imagine what their offspring "stochastic calculus"
looks like. Now add fractional calculus (half-integrals and
half-differentials, but nothing about fractals per se) to the
whole thing and you get fractals waiting around the corner.

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