
My profound thanks to Tom, Bob, Chris, Attila, Scott, Jim, Hal and Michael for such thorough and thoughtful replies to my initial post.

I'm fortunate enough to know some of the local amateur high altitude balloon crowd and had contemplated such an endeavour but note this wouldn't be feasible due to the pressure and temperature sensitivities of the Rb sources.

I had also thought the weight limitations might be a factor - an ardunio and a battery one thing to slow if things go wrong, a Rb clock and other bits a whole nother can of worms :)

I will still pick up one of the surplus Rb units and tinker with it, my GPSDO and my TAPR TICC that arrived the other day.

Slightly more pedestrian (but equally fun :) construction projects ahead I'm sure - keeping things stable in my garage in an Australian summer may yet prove challenge enough ;)

Thanks again

vy 73

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