On Mon, 3 Apr 2017 15:05:55 +1200 (NZST)
Bruce Griffiths <bruce.griffi...@xtra.co.nz> wrote:

> For even more fun you could try to detect the PTFE phase change  at around 
> 20C using a cable with PTFE dielectric.

This will require several 100 meters of cable to be measureable with
the TICC. Modern cables are all <500ppm/K, good cables <10ppm/K, phase
stable cables reach even <1ppm/K. Measuring a change of 10ppm with
a resolution of 60ps means that the delay has to be in the order of 6µs,
which is close to 1000m of cable. Even if dithering gives another facor
of 10, this still means 100m of cable. 

For this level of comparison I would suggest to use a sinusoidal signal,
instead of a pulse, and do phase comparison, which gives a resolution
in the order of 1ps with very little effort, thus reducing the required
cable length to 10-20 meters.

                        Attila Kinali

[1] "Temperature Stability of Coaxial Cables", Czuba and Sikora, 2011

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