Been there and done that. Used a PicoScope in serial decoding mode to
get the bytes by clipping a probe to one of the serial lines. Got the
manual for the Motorola receiver from a web search, found the messages
detailed therein. Did this several years ago and those memories have
been overwritten. Still have the files, though. Only found Motorola
messages, nothing generated by Lucent code. Lucent uses the Motorola
messages to control the state of the units.

Still have the RFTG assembly with power supply, if there's any interest.
Seemed to me the group didn't think it was a fine instrument, but it is
well built. Have moved to an old folks home and found other projects to
keep me occupied. Make me an offer that might motivate me to pack and
ship it, with the data I collected.

Bill Hawkins

-----Original Message-----
From: time-nuts [] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:53 PM

I have my RFTG connected and have the Lucent software talking to it.  I
also have a (crappy) serial port monitor program (Microsoft portmon)
running and sniffing the traffic.   It appears that the control requests
and responses are in what amounts to TSIP format.   No idea yet what the
contents of those messages are... or how much of it can be figured

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