Hi Mark,

     This is all new information to me - and fascinating!  Have you just
"calculated" the offsets (using known values from somewhere), or "measured"
it by very long term averaging of the GPS position information?

     Peter Vince

On 20 June 2017 at 17:34, Mark Sims <hol...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I just added the ability to calculate solid earth tides and the vertical
> gravity offset due to the sun and moon to Lady Heather.   The lat/lon
> offset is typically around +/- 60 cm per day.    Vertical offset is around
> +/- 180mm.  Depending upon the day and where you are, the swings are not
> symmetrical around 0.0
> Solid earth tides are a BIG factor in precision geodesy.   Gravity offset
> is a big issue for precision pendulum nuts.  If your pendulum clock cannot
> detect gravity offsets (very few can) it's not nutty enough.
> The attached plot shows around 5 days of data.
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