On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:

> Thanks for sharing this project with us, and including the schematic.

Thanks! In the past week we've built ten of these, and I've gotten started
on the software. The EFC inner control loop works (using a 24-bit ADC to
servo two 16-bit DACs), and I've gotten a simple FLL working (intended for
frequency acquisition before handing over to the PLL).

> > the file type wrong; Acrobat opens the file just fine). Its first use
> will
> > be in the telemetry system of my students' solar-powered boat (
> > http://cleanmobility.info/voertuigen/solar-2015/ ), on a trip from
> > Amsterdam to Monaco.
> Interesting application. My first thought is that your design will have to
> pay much more attention to environmental issues than the typical homebrew
> GPSDO: temperature, humidity, moisture, air flow, and oscillator
> orientation and acceleration. At least you don't have to worry about poor
> GPS coverage or changes in altitude!

Indeed. After a very unfortunate accident last year (boat flipped over, we
spent an all-nighter in a hotel room refurbishing soaked electronics and a
1.5kWh LiFePO4 battery) we've put all electronics in boxes sealed to IP68.
This does cut down on several of the environmentals you mention.
Temperature is a big issue; we've seen 30+C swings in the electronics
compartment in recent years. As for orientation and acceleration: we do
monitor that on our custom data logger, but right now there's no way for
the OCXO to access that data (let alone try to compensate for it).

> > 1) Providing a reference frequency for a SDR system in the 868MHz ISM
> band,
> > having a frequency drift over a day no worse than 10% of the maximum
> > Doppler shift at a relative speed of 100km/h, while consuming at most 2W
> in
> > steady-state from a 24V net
> Can you translate this into T&F units for us? What timing accuracy? What
> frequency accuracy? What ADEV? Is there a low PN requirement?

Doppler shift amounts to ~100ppb. The receiver can handle
start-of-transmission timing being off by almost a minute in the current
code, as we're transmitting 6-second bursts at a 10% duty cycle and the
students are doing brute-force acquisition on every burst ATM. (Not
completely unreasonable, as the link is simplex from boat to shore, and the
receive end can be argued not to be too (computing/electrical)-power
limited). For any reasonable OCXO, even in undisciplined state, ADEV is
dwarfed by this brute force acquisition plus the uncertainty of the
propagation time between Tx and Rx. (From a timing perspective, that is;
frequency drift should still fit the "1/10th of Doppler or

PN is potentially more interesting. As of this morning OFDM carrier spacing
is 80Hz@868MHz, and we're using QPSK. That's not pushing the phase noise
requirements too hard, but I expect that after some channel sounding
experiments (scheduled for Any Day Now) they will want to go for longer
OFDM symbols (and thus reduce carrier spacing). Plus I've seen them do some
preliminary experiments with higher-order QAM, both of which will need
tighter phase noise specs. (At the moment I've populated the boards with
Taitien NA-2000 series OCXOs, with a specified max PN of -90dBc@1Hz. The
PCB can also be fitted with Connor-Winfield DOC-series OCXOs, with a
specified typical PN of -67dBc@1Hz. I expect this to make an interesting
example, once the OFDM requirements get tightened up.)

> 2) Testing/teaching platform for the evaluation of different design
> choices
> > in a GPSDO, including alternative phase detectors, EFC generation by DAC
> vs
> > PWM, FLL/PLL algorithms, timing vs navigation receivers, and OCXO choices
> Those are all good topics for teaching. I worry that a pre-designed board
> like yours saves the students from having to think or work. Perhaps they
> could first try a James Miller analog GPSDO or a Nick Sayer simple digital
> Arduino-based GPSDO to see how good they are. Note also that the art of
> measuring a GPSDO is as complex as the art of designing a GPSDO -- and your
> students should learn both (the hard way).

I hear you, I really do, but I only have them for a very limited amount of
time (4 years on paper, 2.5 years effectively, at undergraduate level).
There is so much I would like to put in the curriculum, but I'm training
Electrical Engineers, not Time-Nuts (not even telecom engineers or
metrologists). With the learning curve for general EE being as steep as it
is (plus these days you want them proficient in analog, digital *and *embedded
software) there's not a lot of room left.

As far as I can tell, the FLL I have now is very similar to Nick Sayer's
design. From there the students can go to a 1-bit flip-flop phase detector,
and from there to the TDC.

(In previous projects I have found that for more complex systems, like 3kW
BLDC drivers, multiphase MPPT solar power converters and RF systems, it
helps to give the students a 'development board' that they can get started
on while developing their own 2.0, lest they run out of time to get their
own 1.0 up and running. Not too dissimilar from the process used at several
of the companies I've worked with in the past.)

> > The primary phase detector is a TDC7200, which almost feels like cheating
> > after all the trouble I went through last time (
> Wow. Why use a TDC7200? That's a 60 ps TIC and kind of overkill if your
> goal is a 1/10th TBolt. Plus, you have stolen from your students the
> opportunity for them to learn about making their own interpolating TIC, or
> why 1 ns resolution is more than sufficient for this GPSDO.
> I guess I'm confused if you're designing a high-end GPSDO, or a 1/10th
> TBolt GPSDO, or creating a student learning exercise.

All of the above, really. At the top level, we need to have a <2W frequency
reference. That by itself could have been handled with a free-running (or
perhaps hand-tuned) OCXO. One step deeper, I want to have my students play
with various aspects including the difference between an FLL and a PLL.
And, to be honest, beyond that *I* want to know first hand how much
difference a 60ps TIC (+ a timing receiver) really makes. Partly because it
makes me a better teacher, partly just because that mountain is there.

(The second TDC channel also enables TICC-like experiments, for which
there's also some demand. But that honestly is more of a happy coincidence
than a design goal).

> The EFC is based on a pair of 16-bit DACs plus a 24-bit ADC in a PID loop,
> > inspired by Linear/Jim Williams' AN86 ( http://www.linear.com/docs/4177
> ).
> Based on your desired performance specs, what calculations did you make to
> conclude that this 16 + 24 bit scheme was required?

>From memory (because my lab notes are still at work): a perfectly linear
16-bit DAC might just do the job for a good OCXO with a 1ppm tuning range.
I want some margin for error, and I also want to be able to use XOs with
wider tuning range (like the CW DOT range, with a 20ppm tuning range).

This is one of the parts I got working over the weekend. The PID loop
worked better (less noise) as a PI loop, with the time constant increasing
the longer no EFC updates are requested. Right now the ADC is showing
~2.5uVRMS EFC voltage noise (for a CV range of 2.8V). I need to play a bit
more to see how much of that is ADC noise (specced at 1.5uVRMS typical),
and how much I can filter out either in the analog domain or in the control

> > down. U21 is a 128KB SRAM chip for scratch space, U13 is a FeRAM chip to
> > store EFC settings (as EEPROM would wear out too fast with regular
> writes,
> > and I cannot guarantee having enough energy after detecting a brownout to
> > only write to EEPROM in such conditions). The other systems for the boat
> As much as I'm a fan of core memory and FeRAM, I don't understand why you
> plan to update the EEPROM so often. How about just once a day? Or once any
> time the DAC changes by more than 10 or 100 units. This value is informed
> by the re-trace spec of your OCXO.

This is mostly me being overly cautious. For the trip to Monaco we are
cheating a bit by adding a backup battery. Race regulations (in Monaco, and
elsewhere) forbid such extra energy storage, even supercaps are not
allowed. The system (including the OCXO) has to be powered off completely
when hitting the emergency shutdown, and some of our drivers have the
tendency to over-use that Big Red Button. Many such interruptions will last
no more than a minute. I've seen EEPROM corruption on similar platforms if
the time between writing and power-down is too short, hence the FeRAM +
frequent writes.

> After a power loss the OCXO will warm up again. From the first second your
> PLL will make massive and rapid changes to the DAC, so who cares what the
> saved DAC value was. You don't need the old value. You don't want the old
> value; that's what the PLL is for.

...why would I want to engage the PLL right after power on? I was planning
to drive the old EFC value until either OCXO current or a time-out
indicates the end of warm-up (and until the GPS is locked), then switch to
FLL with increasing time constants for coarse lock, and only then enable
the PLL.

> > - how to apply the temperature measurements to the EFC. I guess I can
> > measure the holdover performance of the GPSDO in a climate chamber, but
> > does such a temperature curve stay mostly-constant over the life of the
> > OCXO?
> A GPSDO is a closed loop so this and many other long-term worries are
> silently solved by the PLL.

Sure, but in a mobile platform (one that deliberately seeks the sun, too!)
I am concerned that thermal changes happen faster than the longish loop
time I'd want for a jittery GPS PPS.

> - how to properly do outlier removal in a mobile platform which may get
> > bumped (leading to OCXO jumps). My starting point looks like
> Be careful about that. Act like there are no outliers: every point is
> trying to tell you something.

That was inspired by this thread:
https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2006-December/022689.html (and
several others like it).

I am very interested in what the outliers are trying to tell me. Is it
because the satellite combination used for a fix has changed? Is it because
we're sailing from the open countryside into an urban canyon (or under a
big steel bridge)?

Thanks for your feedback,


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jan-Derk Bakker" <jdbak...@gmail.com>
> To: <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 3:44 PM
> Subject: [time-nuts] Yet Another GPSDO design - Timing on the move
> > Dear all,
> >
> > After a hiatus of seven years I have finished the first version of my
> > design. The full schematic can be found at
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/
> > 0B7mNymXfcKMqaFcyRXdURC1KMXM/view?usp=sharing (Google Drive seems to
> guess
> > the file type wrong; Acrobat opens the file just fine). Its first use
> will
> > be in the telemetry system of my students' solar-powered boat (
> > http://cleanmobility.info/voertuigen/solar-2015/ ), on a trip from
> > Amsterdam to Monaco.
> >
> > The design objectives are, in decreasing order of importance:
> >
> > 1) Providing a reference frequency for a SDR system in the 868MHz ISM
> band,
> > having a frequency drift over a day no worse than 10% of the maximum
> > Doppler shift at a relative speed of 100km/h, while consuming at most 2W
> in
> > steady-state from a 24V net
> >
> > 2) Testing/teaching platform for the evaluation of different design
> choices
> > in a GPSDO, including alternative phase detectors, EFC generation by DAC
> vs
> > PWM, FLL/PLL algorithms, timing vs navigation receivers, and OCXO choices
> >
> > 3) When equipped with a timing receiver, having ADEV/MDEV at most 10x
> worse
> > than a Thunderbolt in the interval between 1s and 1d.
> >
> > (Yes, objective 1 could be met with a quality OCXO, but where's the fun
> in
> > that?)
> >
> > Where possible I tried to stick to the suggested design criteria listed
> in
> > https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2007-April/025597.html .
> >
> > The primary phase detector is a TDC7200, which almost feels like cheating
> > after all the trouble I went through last time (
> > https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2010-August/049347.html ). The
> > '7200 is used in Mode I, which needs at least 12ns between START and
> > A fairly vanilla synchronizer handles this. As I expect the phase offset
> in
> > lock to be zero (modulo hanging bridges), the first flip-flop is clocked
> > with an inverted copy of the main clock to further reduce the possibility
> > for metastability. U16/U17 latch the lower bits of clock divider U19/U18
> to
> > get around synchronizer uncertainty in the microcontroller. A second
> > TDC7200 channel is added to ease comparison with other references or
> > timestamp external events. (I have a mains ZCD in the works just for
> this).
> > Both channels have a simple flip-flop as an alternate phase detector; the
> > second channel can be wired to be driven by the GPS PPS as well.
> >
> > The microcontroller board holds a 32MHz ATXMega256A3U. While this board
> > cannot use the 10MHz oscillator for its main clock, both 10MHz and PPS
> > inputs are available as event channels. The microcontroller board also
> has
> > a microSD socket for standalone phase data logging and a charger for a
> > small LiIon cell that can provide power when the boat's systems are
> powered
> > down. U21 is a 128KB SRAM chip for scratch space, U13 is a FeRAM chip to
> > store EFC settings (as EEPROM would wear out too fast with regular
> writes,
> > and I cannot guarantee having enough energy after detecting a brownout to
> > only write to EEPROM in such conditions). The other systems for the boat
> > already include a GPS module (Venus 6) which is used for PPS in normal
> > circumstances; a footprint for a small Venus8-board offers an alternative
> > in standalone use ( until I can get my hands on a 3v3 timing receiver ).
> > The microcontroller measures system temperature, OCXO current and the
> > voltages on the raw power nets.
> >
> > The EFC is based on a pair of 16-bit DACs plus a 24-bit ADC in a PID
> loop,
> > inspired by Linear/Jim Williams' AN86 ( http://www.linear.com/docs/4177
> ).
> > The DACs are fairly noisy, an RC with a few film caps plus a quiet
> follower
> > should take care of that. Plan B for the EFC is a pair of PWM outputs
> from
> > the microcontroller followed by a 4-pole filter. Both 1in2 OCXOs with and
> > without internal reference can be used, as well as cheaper
> Connor-Winfield
> > DOC/DOT-series XOs.
> >
> > What else? Status LEDs, a heavily filtered synchronized switch-mode
> supply
> > (necessary to hit the power consumption target), an isolated serial debug
> > line.
> >
> > Things I have yet to figure out:
> > - how to apply the temperature measurements to the EFC. I guess I can
> > measure the holdover performance of the GPSDO in a climate chamber, but
> > does such a temperature curve stay mostly-constant over the life of the
> > OCXO?
> > - similar to the previous point: how to apply the current measurements to
> > the EFC. Is there any way to measure/estimate the resistance in the
> shared
> > path between heater GND and EFC GND? (I've done my best to directly refer
> > the filter and the ADC to the GND pin of the oscillator to reduce this
> > effect on the external path).
> > - how to properly do outlier removal in a mobile platform which may get
> > bumped (leading to OCXO jumps). My starting point looks like
> > https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2006-December/022689.html , but
> > I'm not sure how to make this robust enough without throwing too much
> > useable data away. Possibly monitoring (changes in) the satellites the
> > GPSDO uses for its solution might help
> > - in relation to the previous point: when to switch between FLL
> > (aquisition) and PLL (tracking), and when to switch PLL time constants.
> > (Maybe I should have added an accelerometer to detect jolts)
> > - how to measure ADEV/MDEV beyond hooking my Thunderbolt and/or my
> FE-5680
> > to the auxillary input
> > (- plus all unknown unknowns)
> >
> > We're building ten of these to start with. (With a good OCXO, the BOM
> cost
> > is a bit over the eBay price of a Thunderbolt). Some stay in Amsterdam
> over
> > the summer to collect phase data; for those coming to Monaco I'm still
> > undecided whether I'll try a simple version of my FLL/PLL or to just use
> > this trip for logging.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > JDB.
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> > time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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