ISTR that you started it with a short time constant to get locked,  and once 
you had lock you would increase the time constant in a few steps to a final 
value of (say) 1000s or so.


-----Original Message-----
From: time-nuts [] On Behalf Of Volker Esper
Sent: 18 July 2017 14:15
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] unknown GPSDO

Thanks so far. I will have a look at the docs.

The machine is running well, particularly the OCXO is performing very good when 
free running (without GPS signal). It is stable and its ADEV looks good (2E-10 
at 10s). Not so the overall ADEV (when GPS locked)
(1E-5 at 10s). It seems to not having the right filter time constant what had 
to be much longer. As I understand the documents, the filter constant can be 
programmed and I will experiment whith that this afternoon.

Thank you


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