On 11/1/17 10:59 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
Hi Jim,

On Wed, 1 Nov 2017 06:17:31 -0700
jimlux <jim...@earthlink.net> wrote:

That's why I wish they'd sell OCXOs, cheap, without the oven. Or maybe
look for regular XO (no TC).  Those might have a more "pure" (read lower
order) freq vs temp characteristic.

It feels like I have asked this before, but I cannot remember and
cannot find the mail....So: What do you mean by "OCXO without oven?"

I often have requirements for "good phase noise" but no particular requirement for "good temperature stability" or Allan Deviation for tau > 200 seconds - we get frequency knowledge from other sources (e.g. just like a GPSDO, or it can be inferred from the measurement) I often have a system where the environment is pretty benign - a typical on-orbit temperature variation might be a degree or two over 90 minutes (or longer), if that - we don't know what the temperature will be (in advance), but once it's up there, it's pretty stable. Maybe the temp changes a bit due to relative orientation to the sun and similar effects, so there's a annual variation. My current spacecraft is expected to change maybe 5-6 degrees over the year.

For instance, in a software defined radio, the input oscillator is often fed into some sort of NCO or DDS for tuning - knowledge of the frequency is what you really want, because the ultimate requirement is on the frequency accuracy at the input or output of the radio - the regulators care not a whit what kind of oscillator is inside (well, they DO ask on the license application, but it's really not relevant)

THere are also systems like Doppler radars - they need good pulse to pulse stability, and low phase noise to avoid reciprocal mixing degradation of the noise floor - but they care not what the exact frequency is.

In general, OCXOs have crystals with high Q -> low phase noise, especially compared to a TCXO, which *can't* have high Q, or the temperature compensation circuit can't do it's work.

So, it would be nice to have a *cheap* lowish power packaged part that has the Q of an OCXO, but without the power consumption of the oven (typically measured in watts).

yeah, I'd be operating it *way* far from the optimum turnover temp, so the tempco might be huge (in oscillator terms), but I don't really care - in fact, that might give me a way to measure the temperature of the system.

I have gotten quotes for OCXOs with the oven disabled- but that's making it a custom part and as Bob has pointed out, the moment you deviate from the "catalog part", the cost (and often more importantly, the delivery time) goes up.

I think the ideal, of course, is to get an oscillator high performance crystal cut with the turnover temp around 20-30C - useless for a OCXO, but might be real useful for GPS/temp compensated oscillator where the oscillator drives a DDS (or or provides an output giving the estimated frequency).

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