Umm, the presence of a copy of the IANA TZ distribution at is not evidence of an "IETF leap-seconds list." 
This is bizarre, and probably a web server configuration error that even 
exists. The IETF is not involved in this list. I guess this shows why Google is 
an unreliable indicator of authority.
is not a URL anyone should be depending on.
is perhaps a better URL for the file in the tz distribution, but I'd hestitate 
to call it canonical. Start at

But then the tz database isn't an authorative source, either. Per the NEWS file:

    The 'leapseconds' file is now generated automatically from a
    new file 'leap-seconds.list', which is a copy of
    A new source file 'leapseconds.awk' implements this.
    The goal is simplification of the future maintenance of 'leapseconds'.

That is, it's just a copy of NIST's file.

Your email would make a lot more sense if you had included the URLs directly 
rather than referring to your source code and output file that happen to 
contain them.
  John Hawkinson

Anders Wallin <> wrote on Wed, 20 Dec 2017
at 13:51:21 +0200 in 

> So I'm doing the typical Wednesday thing you might do, that is writing a
> small script for checking the SHA1 checksum in leap-seconds.list files.
> I came up with [1] which produces output [2].
> For the IETF file there seems to be one byte, a "0" at the start of the
> third group of 8 hex characters missing.
> This is somewhat funny/alarming, since the IETF leap-seconds.list is the
> first thing that shows up (at least for me) on google when looking for
> leap-seocnds.list.

> [1]
> [2]
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