
The T software does support locked position. If your antenna location is so bad 
that this is of any use …. move the antenna. I can get full coverage with a 
uBlox from a chair in the family room. 

A bit more information: If you are in an “urban canyon” (or maybe a real 
then indeed you can have some issues. In a normal suburban or urban setting, 
you should be able to lock to > 4 sat’s pretty much 100% of the time. With the 
newer modules (the 8 series) able to use multiple systems at one time, that all 
becomes even more true. Any timing errors you *might* see hopping from system
to system are way below what would matter for stratum 1 NTP. 

As noted earlier, if this stuff matters to you, setting up three NTP servers on 
LAN is a really good idea. Run them all off of GPS and all off of independent 
If each antenna has it’s own “view” then your odds get even better on being 
to keep it all going fine. The GPS part of that is maybe $10 vs $30. The 
are whatever you are paying for good single board computers these days. When 
go on sale, that could easily be < $100 for three of them. 


> On Jan 23, 2018, at 2:22 PM, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:
> time-nuts@febo.com said:
>> The cheapest is not a 5T there are many 6 and 7 for $ 10. T gives you
>> nothing unless you  have saw tooth correctionBerrt Kehren 
> Does the T firmware also support known-position mode where it can operate on 
> only one satellite?
> -- 
> These are my opinions.  I hate spam.
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