On 2/16/18 10:47 AM, Bob kb8tq wrote:

Well, the interesting point about Glonass timing is that it is independent of 
GPS empire. Galileo is another independent time source. Running a GPSDO
linked to each one would let you inter-compare the time from each of them.
Indeed I would *guess* that Galileo would do pretty well. Reports to date on
Glonass have not been encouraging. It still might be interesting to do. Once
Furuno releases the Galileo firmware, one of the Opus 7 based devices should
be able to run each of them. uBlox or some of the others would also do the
same thing.

However, if you're going to post process data using something like Gipsy-X, they have "better estimates" of the time base for all the systems, so you can get a combination. I suppose when you process you tell it which one is your favorite base, and it adjusts to that.

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