Greetings to all of the time-nuts on this list. I too have an interest
(obsession?) with precision frequency measurement. I have known, visited
and had dinner with Perry Sandeen (also a list member) while he lived in
Tennessee where we shared a common interest in the beloved R-390A receiver
and test equipment.

Perry and I would make our pilgrimages to the Huntsville Ham Fest and
usually I ended up buying equipment from him. One of the items he sent my
way was an HP 3586B that I am finally beginning to put to use.

I am trying to find out how to fix the tuning control on the HP3586B and
that led me back to this list. If anyone has suggestions on making repairs
I would appreciate the info; I am very capable of troubleshooting and
making component level repairs, even if I have to take the tuning control
apart to fix the optical chopper light source.

*Ms. Tisha Hayes, AA4HA*
*(Senior Engineer with 4RF USA)*

*Gadsden, Alabama*
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