On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 7:56 AM, Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:
> List -- I had a recent query by a researcher who would like to pinpoint the 
> location of his telescope(s) within 0.3 meters. Also (he must be a true 
> scientist) he wants to do this on-the-cheap. He may have timing requirements 
> as well, but that's another posting.
> So I toss the GPS question to the group. Surely some of you have crossed the 
> line from precise time to precise location?
> How easy, how cheap, how possible is it to obtain 0.3 m accuracy in 3D 
> position?
> When we run our GPSDO in survey mode how accurate a position do we get after 
> an hour, or even 24 or 48 hours? And here I mean accurate, not stable. Have 
> any of you compared that self-reported, self-survey result against an 
> independently measured professional result or known benchmark?
> Do you know if cheap ublox 5/6/7/8 series receivers are capable of 1 foot 
> accuracy given enough time?
> If not, what improvement would -T models and RINEX-based web-service 
> post-processing provide?
> It that's still not close enough to 0.3 m, is one then forced to use more 
> expensive multi-frequency (L1/L2) or multi-band (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo) to 
> achieve this level of precision? If so, how cheaply can one do this? Or is 
> the learning curve more expensive than just hiring an survey specialist to 
> make a one-time cm-level measurement for you?
> Something tells me 1 foot accuracy in position is possible and actually 
> easier than 1 ns accuracy in time. I'm hoping some of you can help recommend 
> solution(s) to the researcher's question or shed light on this interesting 
> challenge.

Hi Tom, list, as another researcher who is also interested in
telescope positions (!) I have done this for personal use at home with
a ublox 6T and 53532A antenna to see what I got. I was logging in the
UBX binary format with the raw (carrier phase) measurements turned on
and then converting it to RINEX and using the NRC's CSRS-PPP online
service which is one of the few that will take single frequency L1
only data. The results based on approx. 41.5 hours of data and which
were post-processed 21 days later (so that they used the IGS Final
products rather than the Rapids or Ultra Rapids) were Sigmas(95%) of
0.105 m, 0.089 m, 0.217 m in latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal
height respectively. I was quite impressed with the results without
use of the L2 frequency to correct for the ionosphere etc.

> Thanks,
> /tvb

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