
There seems to be some kind of comeback going on with 80's style digital watches. You may find replicas of some 80's models or even re-makes of the original models from original manufacturer.

So I decided to get one. As a time-nut my primary goal was to have radio controlled 'atomic' model. So I ended up to Casio Wave Ceptor WV-59DE-1AVEF. There's many models available from basic digital models like this to very nice ones with with full titanium body (analog style). But because of the 80's is hot it had to be digital...

Wave Ceptors suport all time signals formats (US, UK/German and Japan) and correct standard is automatically selected when home city is set.

One of the first things to do was to test the accuracy with radio syncronization turned off. Correct time was fist set with DCF77. Then I switched off the synconization. After beign about three days off there was no significiant visible error on time. In the video we can see however about one frame error, which means about 40 milliseconds. Still that's pretty good result for wrist watch. Also, the syncronization will occur once per day when the reception is good.

So the watch must be at least calibrated in the factory. Don't know if the watch performs any kind of self-calibration according to radio syncronization results, most likely not - but it would be technically possible.

So far so good, it's accurate enough - at least as new. When syncronization is turned on, there should never be visible error on time.

Here's my test video:

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