An interesting interaction between the near Earth CMEs and the geomagnetic
field leads to some complex results also.   Googling Carrington Event will
give some interesting details.   The geomagnetic and geoelectric field
monitoring at observatories of CME interaction and associated earth
electrical currents is fascinating.

Is there any numeric code that will model the Newtonian trajectory and CME
geometry given input velocity and mass parameters?  These are CME velocity
and mass parameters estimated now and I’ve seen Goddard NASA laboratory
animations which show CME magnetohydrodynamics (?)  combined with the
estimated  interplanetary trajectories and CME topology and always wondered
if there was, for example, accessible MATLAB or python codes available to
create such estimates.    The NASA animations are found on YouTube.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 15:05 jimlux <> wrote:

> On 8/13/18 6:52 AM, Peter Laws wrote:
> >
> > As for solar flares taking out the various GNSSs ... wouldn't a solar
> > flare only take out the vehicles that were on the "sunny" side of the
> > Earth?  Wouldn't the (approximately) half of the SVs that are in the
> > Earth's shadow be unaffected?  Serious technical question - I have no
> > idea.
> >
> Actually, it's the particles associated with the solar flare that cause
> the problem, and they move substantially slower than the speed of light
> (it takes hours to days), and they spread out a lot in time.
> There's a plot at the wikipedia page on flares
> You can see the proton flux is spread out over many hours
>   (I'm project manager for constellation of satellites we're going to
> fly to do radio interferometry imaging of the sun at HF for Coronal Mass
> Ejections.. time tags are important to us)
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