It just locked!


On 10/13/2018 09:20 PM, Matthew D'Asaro wrote:
All -
I think I have it fixed! The problem was a broken wire inside my genuine HP 58532A antenna. I was suspicious of the antenna because it didn't seem to matter if I had it connected or not - the 58503A behaved exactly the same. I confirmed my suspicions by measuring the DC current it drew. Zero. Something was wrong so I took it apart and measured the resistance between the center conductor and the board and found it to be infinity. As it turns out the center conductor of the micro-coax that connects the N-connector to the board had broken right where it was soldered on. It took a bit to figure out how to press the center conductor out of the connector, reattach the coax, and press it back in. To press it out I first had to unsolder the shield of the coax and then I could use the back of a drill-bit placed in a vice to force the center conductor out of the insulator. Once I had the cable reattached, I could press it back in by placing it over the center contact of a male N-connector and then screwing the two together. See the attached pictures.

Anyway, once I had the antenna repaired it found satellites to track immediately - I didn't even have to set an initial date or location. It is about 2% of the way through its survey now and hopefully will have locked in by morning.

Thanks to all of you for your help!

-Matthew D'Asaro

On 10/13/2018 05:39 AM, Azelio Boriani wrote:
Try a SYSTem:PREset first, before sending the GPS:INITial.
On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 8:44 AM Matthew D'Asaro <> wrote:
All -
      I have made substantial progress on my HP 58503A, but I am not
quite there yet. By watching the internal lights and the data on the
processor bus I could see that the CPU was starting to boot and then
restarting every ~15 seconds. Furthermore, the reset circuit didn't seem
to be working right. Sometimes when I power cycled it the front panel
lights would flash to indicate a self-test, other times they would not.
This seemed to indicate that the system was not being reset correctly on
start-up. More telling, when I manually triggered the reset generator
chip, the system would not ever flash its front panel lights even though
I could see that the CPU was being reset per the internal lights.

The problem, as it turned out, was more mechanical than electrical.
As shown in the attached photo, someone had put the case back together
with a screw that was too long! It dug into the board and cut two
traces, one of which was the reset line for the UART chip (and probably
some other chips as well - I didn't fully trace the line). Once I
repaired these two traces (red wires in my picture) it booted right up
and even passed its self-test!

      However, the story does not end there. I now have it booting and
appearing to "work" but I can't get it to track satellites. I manually
set the location, date, and time with the following commands:
GPS:INIT:POS (position)

      I then setup the unit (inside, but with the GPS antenna near a
window) and left it turned on overnight. However, no dice. The system
does not display errors but won't track any satellites. Here is the
results of a SYSTEM:STATUS? command:

scpi > system:status?
------------------------------- Receiver Status
SYNCHRONIZATION ........................................... [ Outputs
Invalid ]
SmartClock Mode ___________________________   Reference Outputs
Locked TFOM 9 FFOM 3
     Recovery                                   1PPS TI  --
     Holdover                                   HOLD THR 1.000 us
  >> Power-up: GPS acquisition Holdover Uncertainty ____________
                                                Predict  --

ACQUISITION .............................................. [ GPS 1PPS
Invalid ]
Tracking: 0 ____   Not Tracking: 14 _______   Time
PRN El Az PRN El Az UTC 05:08:22 [?] 11 Oct 2018
                     * 1  -- ---  *10  -- ---   GPS 1PPS Invalid: not
                     * 2  -- ---   16  35  50   ANT DLY  0 ns
                     * 3  -- ---  *23  55 129   Position
* 5 -- --- 26 10 41 MODE Survey: 0% complete
                     * 6  -- ---   27  21  96 Suspended: track <4 sats
                       7  57 267   30  25 257   INIT LAT N 47:42:01.770
* 8 13 127 INIT LON W 122:16:26.770 9 81 141 INIT HGT +20.00
m  (MSL)
ELEV MASK 10 deg   *attempting to track
HEALTH MONITOR .........................................................
[ OK ]
Self Test: OK    Int Pwr: OK   Oven Pwr: OK   OCXO: OK EFC: OK   GPS
Rcv: OK
scpi >

Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks in advance,
Matthew D'Asaro

On 10/07/2018 12:26 AM, Mark Sims wrote:
The 58503A needs a null-modem pinout serial cable to connect to a PC. The baud rate defaults to 9600:8:N:1
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