Please excuse my ignorance but I have been trying to improve on my frequency 
I have always used WWV but when I try to get really close in frequency, the 
beat and the fading are difficult to separate.
Someone suggested I get a GPSDO to refine my 10 MHz.  I looked around and have 
seen a few, mostly in the $100 range, but before I shell out fot something I 
know little about I wonder if someone can give me a short tutorial or at least 
some advice on what I need to do.
I live in Los Angeles so I imagine signals would be reasonably strong.  But 
what hardware and software do I need?  I want 10 MHz to put into my counter or, 
at least, to calibrate the time base in the counter.  I prefer the latter, 
since that means I won't have to receive GPS signals in order to measure 
frequency.  Most of the time I don't need really accurate results.
I could run an outdoor antenna if needed.  What receiver ought I look into, how 
much budget do I need, and all the other questions relating to this subject.
And finally, how much frequency error can I expect?
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