I've been playing with a Frequency Electronics 5608A "Frequency Standard." It's a 2U rack mount beast with battery pack and a module labeled as a 10 MHz Rb standard, and another as a 5 MHz VCXO.

I originally thought that the VCXO was a cleanup oscillator for the Rb, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As best I can tell, the Rb module accepts a 10 MHz *input* and its output is a control voltage that goes to the VCXO. The 5 MHz VCXO goes through a doubler to send 10 MHz to the Rb, and has distribution for a bunch of 5 MHz and 1 MHz outputs on the rear panel. There are no 10 MHz outputs.

The "LOCK" indicator on the front panel lights up. Early tests indicate that the short term stability is pretty good, but it has a bathtub shaped aging curve that's more like a crystal than an Rb.

Google doesn't turn up any hits on this model number. Has anyone here encountered one of these guys and know what it was used for, or have info on the design?


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