On 5/28/19 2:12 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
On Tue, 28 May 2019 03:06:12 +0100

Another way to look at it is, before you reach the point where the
redefinition of the kg change becomes visible, other errors like
buoyancy of air will introduce errors that are orders of magnitude
largers (uncorrected the buoyancy induced uncertainty is IIRC in the
a few ppm range, corrected its induced uncertainty goes to 1e-8).
So, unless you are doing your weight measurements in vacuum, there is
no need to care about the change of definition of kg.

Air is about 1mg/cc, so your measured mass is off by 1000 ppm if you're measuring water (depending on how much air your vessel displaces). If you're weighing lumps of lead (11.3 g/cc), then only 100ppm error.

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