> Le 28 mai 2019 à 16:38, Eric Scace <e...@scace.org> a écrit :
> Hi fellow time nuts —
>   I’m looking for a sanity check or alternative suggestions for the problem 
> and tentative solution described below.

You have a situation where the application in any one system is unaware of the 
validity of the underlying OS time. So I think you have to have a mechanism 
where transactions are refused/re-routed if that validity can not be 
established. So I would say that some mechanism be put in place to check the 
local clock against the time reported by a majority , or a large enough sample, 
of the networks systems. Depending on the transaction rate that could be done 
on a per transaction, or reasonable interval. 

>   Thanks for your thoughts.
> — Eric
> Problem:
>   In one of my day jobs, I am designing a global network of systems (using 
> open-source software) that provide well-researched information about rights 
> and licenses for musical works (e.g., songs, compositions).
>   Claiming rights, registering licenses (some of which are temporary), and 
> time-stamping changes to data each exemplify cases where date/time must be 
> included. In many cases the time order of events can be important — 
> potentially changing who gets paid how much when music is performed or 
> distributed.
>   The machines are scattered around the planet and the usual problems of time 
> distribution exist. Furthermore, systems are operated independently. We 
> assume  occasional use of NTP to correct system clocks, but not a local 
> GPS-provided time. The software development team is generally oblivious to 
> the issues of time in distributed computer networks.
>   A grim picture — but, fortunately, this application does not require high 
> precision time.
> My tentative proposal:
>   1. To avoid burdening systems with multiple local time conversions, all 
> date/time information throughout the system shall be UTC. Implications:
> user apps will be responsible for converting from a human user’s local time 
> to UTC
> thus, user app developers will have to do this conversion correctly
>   2. Date/time stamps in the data shall be rounded to the nearest EVEN second 
> by the system instances; e.g., to 2019 May 28 14:24:28 UTC. Implications:
> user apps that submit claims or updates will have their claims/updates 
> date/time-stamped by the receiving system node with this rounding method. 
> Example: “John Smith claims that he and Jane Doe wrote these lyrics, making 
> an equal contribution between them, on 2019 May 27 15:00:00 UTC. His claim 
> was received by the system at 2019 May 28 14:26:50 UTC.” One or more 
> blockchain ledgers record a hash of the musical work [the lyrics, in this 
> example], the claim [who wrote the lyrics when], and which app/system 
> registered the claim and when.
> events occurring roughly within ±1 second of each other will be deemed to 
> have occurred simultaneously. This is entirely adequate for this application.
> competing leap second smearing methods employed by different operating 
> systems and data center operators will be washed out of the time stamp by 
> this rounding requirement.
> — end —
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