
With N oscillators involved: look for papers about clock ensembles and time scale algorithms.

The 3 corner hat method, where you create a fictitious mean of 3 clocks and then compute the deviation of each real clock from the virtual mean, is just like a simple unweighted 3-clock time scale. And that can be extended far beyond N=3. For example, think of how most national time labs handle their many Cs clocks, or how UTC itself is computed.

Note that when you consider transitive measurement noise, you may find that making N simultaneous measurements against a single independent LO is simpler and better than making N(N-1)/2 measurements of all possible clock pairs. Think of star vs. ring vs. mesh networks.


On 6/15/2019 3:54 PM, jimlux wrote:
I found a lot of references to estimating the uncertainties in measurements derived with three cornered hat.   What about for arbitrary N sources and N(N-1)/2 pair-wise measurements?  There must be some magic term to search for.

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