Easy, Cheap, Good.... choose 2.

I looked at virtually every option....  I love to build.  I settled on HP 8-way and 4-way unity gain splitters WITH external power supply ports.  I actually retrofitted one with the very hard to find connector. Easier to find it now...  Well worth the cost to get a small, sealed, metal enclosure, with really nice AND equal ports... And I can control the power input, and all the ports have no DC superimposed.

There are more expensive and better designs I am sure, but I really dig these...  they way exceed my requirements and I NEVER have to worry about them being THE issue if there is AN issue.



Clay Autery, KY5G
(318) 518-1389

On 21-Jun-19 12:08, jimlux wrote:
On 6/21/19 7:27 AM, Don Meadows wrote:
Is there an easy, and cheap way to add a splitter the 10Mhz signal
from GPSDO, without going to a distribution amplifier to
feed two different devices?

Just a power divider, or a BNC T, - it's not perfect, but it works.
there's isolation and potential mismatch/reflections, so if you're measuring 1E-16 ADEV, maybe not the best approach.

But there's an awful lot of people who just hook up a bunch of test equipment with BNC Ts.  Some equipment actually has a switch to configure whether the 10MHz input is high Z or 50 ohms.

For "display on the scope" you're going into a high Z input (1 Meg) - so the BNC T approach will work fine.

Just be aware that if you pick a coax length that is "wrong" you'll make a dandy 10 MHz notch filter. (10 MHz is 30 meters in free space, about 20 meters in coax, so a 1/4 wavelength is about 5 meters.. )

If you go

BNC T on scope High Z

Then you don't have problems.

If you go

BNC T - 5 meter cable - Scope High Z

BNC T on counter - 5 meter cable - Scope High Z

I really don’t want to build a complicated project, or
spend $200.00 dollars for an 8 output distribution amp
off the net.  One output would be dedicated for my
  counter time base, and the other would be an ‘extra’
10MHZ source for another counter, or just to display on the scope.

I don’t have a GPSDO yet, I just can’t decide on one.
I am leaning to the Trimble, but it’s still undecided.

Could anyone comment on buying a “Refurbished by Seller”
GPSDO on E-bay. They are a few dollars cheaper, but I really
want one I can have trust and confidence in.

Sorry for the long post.
Thanks, Don

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