There are numerous devices out there that do non-contact detection of AC 
voltage in wiring.  The wire just has to be live and not connected to a load.   
Fluke sells a nice one, but I like the GVD-505A from GB instruments because it 
had a pot to adjust the sensitivity.  It has a power switch on the pot... the 
Fluke has a pushbutton/LED that can be a pain to tell what mode it is in.   The 
non-contact power detection feature is being built into a lot of new 

I also bought a couple of Chinese Fluke style knockoffs... these are dangerous 
since they don't always respond to conductors carrying current.   The circuit 
seems to be a CMOS gate with a probe wire connected to a gate input.  I think 
there was a biasing circuit / coupling cap on the gate input.  Something like 
that may work for you...
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